From October to March one may have a pleasent visit to this national park. It has a watchtower, catching ground, tourist huts, rest houses, camping grounds, TDCP Resort with 6 Air conditioned Bed Rooms and treks for the visitors and nature lovers. The Hog deer, ravine deer, black buck and nilgai are quite common in these parts. Fox, jackals, hares, porcupines, mongoose, larks, owls and hawks are also found in Lal Suhanra National Park. One should be careful of the Wild Boars which are found in large number in the nearby forest areas. Lal Suhanra National Park which is actually a wildlife sanctuary is worth a visit.
Mammals in the park include Nilgai antelope, Black buck, Chinkara gazelle, Hog deer, Indian fox, Jackal, Desert Hare, Porcupine, Caracal cat, Moongoose, Jungle cat, Indian Wolf (rare),Wild boar, and Indian rhino (introduced).
While Birds may include Houbara bustard, Griffon vulture, Honey buzzard, Marsh harrier, Hen harrier, Laggar falcon, Peregrine falcon, Kestrel, Indian sparrow hawk, Egyptian vulture, Larks, Shrikes, Wheatears and Barn Owl. Some Reptiles located in the park are Monitor lizard, Russells viper, Indian cobra, Saw scaled viper and Spiny tailed lizard. For tourists who love to be in the wilderness, Lal-Suhanra Park is the best place to be!