Extending to about 40 to 50 miles and sorrounded by snow capped peaks, the Deosai has the purest of air. Clouds above may appear just beyond ones reach and hills that seem to be nearby retreat as you approach. The Deosai pose an inspiring captivation with their ever changing color with changing light. On the high plateau one may find very special plants and flowers. The plain is dotted with Edelweiss, in the Alps it is a protected flower. Between this almost exotic flora live bears, marmots and even the snow leopard may be found.

To the south of and visible from both the Burji and Stapara approaching areas is a 700-foot hill, on top of which is a 500 foot-high-rock cairn. This unnamed hilltop in the northern deosai region produces a clear panorama of the Himalayan Pangri Range and sections of the Karakorum. As you ascend its gentle, grass covered slopes, Nanga Parbat will come into view far to the west of you. In 'Gypsy Davy's' words, "It was such an expanse of immensity as I have hardly imagined...It seems you cannot talk in a matterof-fact way in a place like that...I thought the Sierras were large, but here, where we could see three or four score miles north, south, east and west, and see only mountains, and most of them above twenty thousand feet, the Sierras seem like sand dunes".


The Deosai National park contains the largest Brown bear population in Pakistan. The park currently has about 20-25 Brown bears. This park was establised to protect these endangered bears. Recently a research project has started to monitor the population of these bears and protect their environment. Snow leopards also wander into the meadows of this unforgiving land. Mammals in the park may include--Brown bear, Snow leopard, Golden Marmot, Pika, Migratory hamster and Ermine. While birds may include--The Golden eagle, Lammagier vulture, Griffon vulture, Laggar falcon, Peregrine falcon, Kestrel, Indian sparrow hawk and Snow cock. Its splenderous beauty adds to this parks attraction. I must see for all tourists!


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