This shrine representing the home of Baba Kalua and Mata Tripta, father and mother respectively of Guru Nanak Deve, (where the Guru was born) was established by Baba Dharam Chand (1523-1618 son of Baba Lakhmi Das and Grandson of Guru Nanak Dev. Its present building comprising a square, domed sanctum with a rectangular pavilion attached to it within a vast walled compound was built by Maharaja Rangit Sing (1770-1839). Thrice a year, on Baisakhi (April), death anniversary of Naharaja Ranjit Sing (June) and birth anniversary of Guru Nanak Dev (November), Pakistan government allows Sikh Jathas (groups), to visit this and other shrines at Nankana Shaib, Sacha Sauda and Lahore. Pakistan government provides all facilities like transport, accommodation and security. Sikhs from all over the world come to Pakistan for these holy events.
Gurdwara Bal Lila is another magnificent shrine, about 1.5 furlong east-south-east of Gurdwara Janam Asthan, on the side of a sarovar which is said to have been built initially by Rai Bular. It represents the village playground where young Nanak assembled his playmates not only to engage in physical sports but also to act as a holy man sitting in meditation.
Diwan Kaura Mal had this Gurdwara built in 1748. It was reconstructed by Maharaja Rangit Singh, who also enlarged and properly lined the sarovar Nanaksar. Its present three-storey domed building was raised during the 1930's and 1940's and was completed shortly before 1947.